Life Skills in Children – An Integral Part of Schooling

Life Skills in Children – An Integral Part of Schooling


As parents have we ever thought, how independent our child is? And, How prepared are they to face the real world? Yes, it is never too late to consider what is best for our child. Imparting life skills in children is strongly considered as an integral part of the overall development of a child. These elementary practices need to be carried out for the entire lifetime to have a well-balanced personality and equip them for real-world challenges. Taking early steps for preparing our kids to learn life skills will help them to understand the real world better and enables a smooth transition to their adulthood.

Schooling begins right from home. As parents, it is our prime responsibility to mentor, prepare and guide them to learn the various essential skills. Teaching these necessary life skills will help them grow into a responsible, humble, and respectful person in society. It might be crucial to understand and read the minds of our children on what exactly they are interested to learn about. But, we need to inspire and prepare them for their better future.

Here are some of the essential life skills that every child need:

Time Management Skills

Time Management is an integral part of successful life & carrier for any individual. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our kids about time management and it starts from home. Start with the morning wake-up call; make them use the alarm clock to wake-up early every morning for school preparation. As they practice this, it develops a sense of responsibility and eventually it becomes part of their routine.

Decision-making Skills

There are different situations where we might have to make decisions on our own. It may be concerned with our career, education, social life, and relationship. So it is better to start training and guiding our children on decision-making skills at an early age. We must start instilling these skills in them by letting them take simple decisions like what they want to wear, what they want to eat. Also, ensure to make them understand the pros and cons of the decision taken and the consequences of the choices.

Problem Solving Skills

One of the most important traits that we can help our kids to develop is problem-solving skills. Facing real-world challenges in the absence of their parents will help them prepare to fight any tough situation by themselves. These skills will help them to take on challenges and be resilient in challenging environments. For better learning, we must encourage our kids to try different things by allowing a reasonable amount of risk.

Socializing with others

Teaching our kids how to make good friends and be friendly to people is an integral part of life skills. Interaction and socialization motivates and builds self-confidence in kids. This helps our kids to be extrovert than being an introvert. Focusing on their social skill development helps them to analyse how to behave around strangers; especially to judge whether the stranger has good intentions or not.

Remembering Important information

It is vital to train our kids on remembering important information like house address, parent’s contact numbers, emergency phone numbers. Knowing this information will be of great help during emergencies. Avoid mugging up this information, instead, make it a practice at home on learning this information in innovative ways to help them register these informations well in their minds.

Parents play a crucial part in instilling these essential life skills in kids. These life skills help our kids to face challenges and cope up with real-world scenarios quite confidently. But with regular practice and understanding, it will indeed teach your kid to become successful in life without finding any difficulty and stop worrying about the challenges.