Co-Scholastic Programme

The school follows a comprehensive co-scholastic program that inspires students to develop new talents, discover and nurture individual interests while fostering social skills.

School Clubs

Clubs are havens where talents, hitherto hidden, are nurtured in an informal atmosphere. We strive to bring out the tremendous potential of students through these avenues. The Clubs – Computer Science, Eco Health & Wellness, Math, Art, Science, Music, Dance and Theatre – enable the students to hone and cultivate qualities of team spirit, cooperation and leadership.


Our students have discovered the secret for the union of a balanced mind and a fit body. The avenues are diverse – yoga, stressing on mind control through asanas. Energizing their way towards good health are teams of basketball, football and cricket players. The teams show their prowess in their sport by taking part in inter-school competitions, thus bringing laurels to the school.

Physical Education

Sports and fitness are pivotal to the curriculum of NPS, Varthur and is on caters to all age groups. All year groups have PE classes slotted in the timetable. It plays a central role in supporting the ethos of the school.

Music & Dance

Students of pre-primary, primary and middle school enjoy weekly sessions of dance and music (Indian and Western) during the class schedule.


Classes are offered in Art – drawing, colouring and painting and craft as part of the curriculum for primary and middle school

Co-curricular Activities

Participating in co-curricular activities helps students develop resilience, adaptability and self-confidence. Students take part regularly in literary and cultural competitions held for all grades.

Each academic year witnesses an array of events which provide an opportunity for every student to display their talents in sports, dance, music, theatre, etc. These events are of both national and cultural importance, fostering the spirit of unity in diversity.

Educational trips and picnics add to learning opportunities outside the realm of the curriculum. Activities that promote positive attitudes and values are conducted on a regular basis in all grades. Activities that foster awareness of social issues, steps to combat them and create a clean society are also undertaken in class.

Workshops and presentations conducted by members of the faculty and parents are other avenues to nurture essential life skills.