Scholastic Programme

Early Years Programme

As they raise their little feet towards each grade, we guide them all the way with utmost love and care taking all initiatives in making our school their second home. In NPS we believe that every child is unique and special and ‘we care as much as you do’. Our simple recipe for the success of the early years programme rests on one promise –Safety and Happiness of the child. We aim to create a welcoming environment that promotes free expression, appreciation, enjoyment, discovery and development of individual talents.
Teachers are trained to handle a variety of projects which spark the imagination and engage the intellect of every child.

Our students are groomed to become self-reliant and responsible individuals.

The core skills that form part of our programme are:

  • Self Reliance and Practical Skills
  • Social Behaviour and Adjustment Qualities
  • Life Skill
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Listening & Speaking Skills
  • Reading Readiness
  • Language and Literature
  • Number Counting Experience
  • Desirable Work Habits & Personal Traits
  • Creative Expression
  • Rhymes & Music
  • Nature Experience and Social Science
  • Playing and Games
The Primary School Programme

The Primary School comprises of Grades I to V. The Teaching pedagogy of these years focuses on developing the intellectual capabilities. Primary Education has been identified as the most crucial stage in the education of a child. The aim of NPS Varthur is to provide a sound foundation in the development of a child’s personality and his /her understanding of good and bad. Students of primary school are encouraged to participate in a lot of extra-curricular activities . Ample opportunities are offered to them in the form of celebrations, festivals related programmes, Annual Day and Sports Day celebrations. These programmes are offered to the students throughout the academic year at regular intervals.

The core skills that form part of our programme are:

  • Outstanding student-teacher ratios: averaging 30:1
  • Weekly skill classes: art, computer, library, music, physical education
  • Well Planned Field trips
The Middle School Programme

The middle school years involve students from Grade 6 to Grade 8. Keeping in mind that these years are a time of great physical, mental, and social development, we ensure that opportunities are created to meet the developmental needs of students.

The course of studies is very challenging and age-appropriate, and drawn from a variety of curricula. During these years, students have the opportunity to become involved in many cultural and sport activities. These activities help build strong friendships and teach students the valuable lessons of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Academic achievement and social interaction are all goals of middle school students. A sound program of educational choices complemented by talented faculty and a positive learning environment help students achieve these goals for themselves.